The emphasis at Rowe School is on laying the foundation for Yarmouth Core Values and Life Role Outcomes. As a member of the Rowe School community, your child is working towards being safe, kind, helpful, and polite and developing positive work habits.
Responsible Community Member
Shows respect for others (sensitive and tolerant of others, respecting rights & property of others, good manners, works and plays well with others)
Shows respect for school environment (materials, workspace, belongings)
Follows rules and routines of the school (classroom, playground, and hallways)
Exhibits self control
Takes responsibility for own actions
Contributes positively in a group
Self-Directed Learner
Listens attentively to others
Follows directions
Works independently
Uses time constructively
Seeks help when necessary
Completes work
Shows best effort
Expresses ideas clearly when speaking
The reading and writing report card indicators are based on end-of-year standards from the Common Core. It is common for students to still be “Developing” toward those standards midyear. Unmarked indicators have not yet been assessed.
Foundational Skills:
Reading Habits: Reads with stamina and engagement
Print Concepts: Understands basic features of print; left-right, spaces, text-voice match. Recognizes and names all capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Phonological Awareness: Demonstrates understanding of syllables, sounds (phonemes), and rhyming words
Phonics: Decodes all consonant sounds, CVC words in isolation, and all short vowel sounds
Sight Words: Reads grade-appropriate high frequency words by sight
Comprehension: Reads and comprehends texts at grade level
Narrative Reading:
Summarize: With prompting, retells a story including beginning, middle, and end
Compare and Contrast: With prompting, identifies similarities and differences in familiar stories
Informational Reading:
Summarize: With prompting, identifies the main topic and retells key facts
Text Features: With prompting, uses text features to locate key facts or information
Analysis: With support, compares and contrasts two texts on similar topics
Text Types and Purposes:
Narrative Writing
Structure: Tells, draws and writes sequenced stories
Development: Includes details about who was there, what they did, and how they felt
Informational Writing
Structure: Tells, draws and writes about a topic
Development: Includes some important details about a topic
Opinion Writing
Structure: Tells, draws and writes to introduce and explain an opinion
Development: Includes details in pictures and words
Writing Process:
Planning: Generates ideas and orally rehearses writing
Revising: Reviews pictures and can reread to add details
Editing: Rereads writing to check for spaces between words, capital letters and punctuation
Spelling: Applies word study concepts and uses the word wall to help with spelling
Writing Habits: Draws and writes with grade-level stamina and engagement
Handwriting: Writes legibly and efficiently
The following goals are at the core of our Kindergarten curriculum. Please note that these are important goals, but they are not the only concepts to which students will be exposed at this grade level. Students will have a rich curriculum, and their experiences in math will introduce them to many new concepts that will deepen over time.
Counting and Cardinality
Know number names and the count sequence
Count to tell the number of objects
Compare numbers
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Work with numbers 11-19 to gain foundations for place value
Measurement and Data
Describe and compare measurable attributes
Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category
Identify and describe shapes
Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes