We want to make sure that you and your child feel at home here at Rowe, so we have come up with a list of the most frequently asked questions about this very important first year of school.
How do I register my child for Kindergarten?
Kindergarten registration opens on March 1, 2024. Please call the Rowe School at 207-846-3771 to start the registration process. We will sign your child up for Kindergarten Screening (see below for details) and ask for general information that will assist us in welcoming your child to Rowe School.
Enrollment forms are completed online and available on the Rowe school website.
If your child has worked with CDS, has a current 504 or IEP, or participates in Speech, OT, or PT, please let us know so that we can best support your child’s transition to kindergarten.
When is Kindergarten Screening and how do I sign up?
Kindergarten Screening will occur from May 2-3, 2024. Call Rowe School at 207-846-3771 to sign up for a screening time or use the sign-up process online.
What does Kindergarten Screening entail?
You and your child will come to the front entrance of Rowe School. We will take your child’s photo and then your child will meet with Rowe staff to complete games and activities that look at Language Skills, Motor Skills, and General Concepts. The screening will last approximately one hour. Parents/guardians will wait in our conference room where there will be some light refreshments and an online survey for you to complete.
When do we find out the name of my child’s teacher?
We will be in touch in late June or early July to let you know the name of your child’s teacher as well as other important information.
When do we find out which bus my child will be riding?
The transportation department generally finalizes the bus schedule by late August. The bus schedule is posted on the school and district website once it has been completed.
What are the hours of the school day?
Arrival is between 8:25-8:40 AM and dismissal starts at 3:20 PM and ends at 3:40 PM.
Students will enter the school building through the front door and go directly to their classroom.
The bell rings at 8:40 AM to start the school day and at 3:25 PM to end the school day.
How does arrival and dismissal work at Rowe?
Students begin arriving at 8:25 and report directly to their classes from the buses and the drop off area out front.
At 3:20 PM students who are being picked up will exit through the front doors. At 3:25 children will begin boarding buses. More information about dismissal procedures will come as we get closer to the new school year.
What happens if my child arrives after 8:40AM?
If you arrive later than 8:40 AM, check in at the office. Your child will be given a “turtle pass,” which will inform the teacher that your child’s attendance has been recorded and school lunch was ordered if lunch was not brought from home. Parents should say good-bye in the foyer and the child will walk independently to the classroom or will be escorted by a Rowe School staff member if needed.
What if I need to pick up my child for an appointment during the day?
If you need to pick up your child in the middle of the day for an appointment, come to the office to sign out your child. If returning your child from a mid-day appointment, check in at the office so your child can be signed back in.
Will my child receive time for rest and recess?
We know that it takes some adjustment to spend an entire day in kindergarten. Teachers plan time in the morning and afternoon to take their students out to the playground. In addition, students have recess at lunch time. Students also have a quieter time in their classrooms following lunch and recess, at which point lights are dimmed and children can spend some time doing mindful activities. They also engage in choice time near the end of the school day for some indoor play.
Is there a before school care or an after school care program?
Yes, it is called Clipper Care and is run through the Town of Yarmouth Recreation Department.
Will I be able to volunteer in my child’s classroom?
If volunteer opportunities become available, we will be in touch with updated information for the coming school year.
What should we do if our family is moving to Yarmouth, but we won’t reside in our new home by Kindergarten registration?
We do require that families reside in Yarmouth to attend Yarmouth schools. Families who are moving to Yarmouth, but do not yet reside in the town of Yarmouth, can contact the Superintendent’s Office at 207-846-5586 to discuss whether a temporary enrollment agreement is appropriate for your situation.