March Newsletter

March 5, 2023

Dear Rowe Families,

I hope everyone enjoyed a nice break and had some time to recharge. The children have been having lots of fun playing in the new snow at recess. A favorite activity recently has been making very large snowballs and pushing them around! 

Share the Love Food Drive results - We collected $650.00 in monetary donations and 276 pounds of food! The Yarmouth Food pantry was ecstatic because this is the time of year when their supply and donations start to dwindle a bit. A huge thanks go out to all who were able to donate!

School Assembly

Just before the break, we had a K/1 school assembly centered around the theme of kindness and the celebration of the food we collected for the food pantry. Since it was close to the 100th day of school, Ms. Stewart, one of our kindergarten teachers, led us in a counting and estimating activity. We sang a song together called "Spread a Little Sunshine" and read The Kindness Book by Todd Parr.

Author visit- On Friday, March 17th, Maine author Lynn Plourde will be visiting. Ms. Henriquez has been reading some of her books to the students during their library time. Our lead teacher will also be going into classes to read one of Ms. Plourde’s books prior to the visit. 

We are going to be having a School Spirit Week as outlined below. Please make note of the focus for each day.

Spirit Week, March 20th - March 24th

  • Monday, March 20th - Crazy Hair or Hat Day! Wear your hair in a crazy style or wear your favorite

  • hat.

  • Tuesday, March 21st - Fancy Day! Dress in a favorite fancy outfit.

  • Wednesday, March 22nd - Blue and White Day! Wear blue and white for Yarmouth Pride.

  • Thursday, March 23rd - Mismatch Day! Wear mismatched clothes.

  • Friday, March 24th - Pajama Day! Wear your pajamas to school.  

Registration reminder - Students who attended Pre-K at the Rowe School in this school year, 2022-23, do not need to register or make an appointment for a kindergarten screening. Only students who did not attend our Pre-K need to register and sign up for a kindergarten screening appointment. All Pre-K students entering Rowe for the 2023-24 school year need to register and sign up for a Pre-K screening. The dates for both are listed at the end of this message.

Visitors at Rowe - Kathy Collins, a national literacy consultant,, and author, has come back to Rowe School this year to do some professional development with teachers. She was here in February and will be returning for two more days later this month. Andy Dousis, a consultant for creating positive school culture and classroom management, has done some training with us this year. He will also be returning in March for a day to work with staff and students.

Early dismissal -  If you need to pick your child up early but close to the end of the school day, please arrive no later than 3:10. To schedule a same-day pick up, call the school no later than 2:00 PM. Our office is a busy place and last minute changes and pick-ups create added work and confusion for all. Thanks for the help!

Carline reminders -  I have noticed that some cars are not driving the perimeter of the school when dropping students off or picking them up. It is really important that cars enter the road that goes around the building by the tennis courts. While this may take a bit of extra time, it avoids a backup of vehicles on School Street and cuts down on the number of cars coming and going from the parking lot. As most of you know, we have a lot of activity going on both at arrival and dismissal. In addition to vehicles, there are a number of students and parents walking and as warmer weather approaches, riding bicycles. Thanks for your help in keeping everyone safe!

PTO Updates:

Parent Education-Wednesday, March 8th, 6-7:30 pm “Food as Fuel”

Join Sheila Carroll, MD, and Kellie Hall CPT for an information session at HMS.  They will cover the following topics:

  • What foods your kids need

  • How sugar affects kids

  • How to read food labels

  • Resources to improve your family's nutritional habits


The return of one our favorite fundraisers!

Rowe and YES students will bring home a personalized order flier at the end of March.  This order form will showcase a piece of art that your student created in Art this year, but you will also be able to upload additional pieces of art; something your child created in the past, a new drawing, or both. Sibling art, family projects, and photographs are also accepted!   

The perfect gift for Grandparents, Father's Day, Mother's Day, or any celebration!

Note cards, magnets, ceramic mugs, canvas totes, jewelry, ornaments, and much more, all featuring your child's artwork will be available to order by the end of March!  *The PTO receives over 30% of the proceeds, which goes right back to funding enrichments.

To place an order go to: and enter School Access Code: 23ArtYS

*Please note:  Orders may not be placed before March 29

All orders ship direct to families and arrive 2-3 weeks after they are placed.


SAVE THE DATE - April 30th 

A return of the bike swap, with some added extras this year! More information to follow!

Next PTO meeting: March 16-7 pm YES Library

Dates to note:

  • Wednesday, March 29th- Kindergarten Parent Information Night, 6:00-6:45 PM. This is a parents-only evening. There will be a brief school tour at the end for families who are entering Rowe School for the first time.

  • Friday, April 14th- Friday, April 21st - Spring Break, No School

  • Tuesday, May 2nd, and Thursday, May 4th- Screening for entering Kindergarten students who did not attend Pre-K at Rowe in the 2022-23 school year.

  • Wednesday, May 17th at 6:30 PM - The Rowe Show first grade musical performance in the Yarmouth High School YPAC. Student art will be displayed in the YHS lobby, too!

  • Tuesday, May 23rd and Thursday, May 25th - Screening for incoming fall 2023 Pre-K students

  • Monday, May 29th Memorial Day- No School

  • Wednesday, June 14th - Last day of school for AM and PM Pre-K

  • Thursday, June 15th- Last day of school for students in kindergarten and first grade.  NOTE: This will be a half day of school. Students will be dismissed at 12:00.


Susan Lobel, Rowe School Principal