June 5, 2022
Dear Parents,
It is hard to believe that the 2021-22 school year is so rapidly coming to a close. While there were challenges to be faced, we were so happy to have all of the students here at school every day and feel very grateful we never had to go back to remote learning.
The Ice Cream Social was well attended and hasn’t happened since 2019, making this year especially wonderful. Our amazing PTO has run it for many years. It wouldn’t be possible without the parents who help to organize and volunteer at the event, as well as Rowe staff members who show up to help. Our superintendent and some Yarmouth School Committee members were on hand to scoop ice cream, too! Thanks to all of the families who were able to attend during such a busy time of year.
It is always bittersweet to say goodbye to our first graders as they move on to Yarmouth Elementary School, but we know new and exciting experiences await them. This fall we will welcome not only a new group of kindergarten children but also Pre-K students as we launch our Pre-K programming. There are two full-time teachers who will each have a morning and afternoon group of students. We will be starting Spanish instruction for Kindergarten and first grade children in the fall pending budget approval on June 14th.
Budget voting on June 7 and 14
Please be reminded to attend the Town Budget Meeting on June 7 at 7 p.m. at the YPAC and vote on the school and town budgets. The budget approved at this meeting will be sent to a referendum on June 14, where you are encouraged to cast your secret ballot in the YHS gymnasium between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. You can read more about the proposed school budget here.
Clipper Honors Deadline - Friday, June 10th
Merrill Memorial Library
Happy ALMOST summer! I wanted to let everyone know about our events in June so that you might include them in your final newsletter home to parents. We also hope to have a short video about the program that we can send around June 1.
We are still looking for Summer Volunteers from YHS (Google form: https://forms.gle/oTuR7RzqkN5b2CsL8). We will have a volunteer training on Saturday, June 11 at 3:15 at MML
Thursday, June 16, 3:30: Author Visit/Book Launch with local
Diane Magras for her new book Secret of the Shadow Beasts. I have attached a flier to this email. No registration required and no age limitations though the book is aimed at upper elementary/middle grade readers. Books will be available for purchase and signing.
Friday, June 17, 11-3 at MML: Summer Reading Kick-Off!! Participants can begin signing up for Summer Reading during our kick-off event. It is for ages birth through Grade 12 and every participant who signs up selects a FREE book to keep. We will have fun events all summer. I have attached a flier and we will have a website (which should go live around the beginning of June), www.yarmouthlibrary.org/summer-reading-2022
The Summer Reading Program runs through Friday, August 12.
We hope to see tons of kids at the library this summer and perhaps some of you if you have some time to actually relax and read a book!
Additional Summer Reading Tips:
I have provided a document outlining some further summer reading tips for families. The information is linked here: Summer Reading Tips
Math Ideas for Summer 2022
Dear Parents,
As the K-4 Math Lead Teacher, I want to make you aware of several excellent opportunities to keep your children engaged in math throughout the summer. Parents often ask me how to keep mathematics alive during the summer months to maintain their children's skills. This year, I have decided to create a K-4 Math Grit Grid to emphasize perseverance and choice. I hope your children find fresh opportunities for practice and growth. As always, feel free to explore my Family Math Blog (http://rclarkmath.blogspot.com...) and check out my all-time favorite sites:
K-4 Math Family Blog: Offering a plethora of engaging math games and activities with every learner in mind. You'll find puzzles, math fact practice, estimation games, meaty problem-solving opportunities, as well as random (and challenging) test practice samples.
I encourage students to take advantage of these math activities to keep their skills
sharp. Thank you for your support in our effort to keep the learning purposeful for students.
With warm regards,
Rachel Clark
K-4 Math Lead Teacher
Yarmouth Schools
Dates to note:
Monday, June 6th- First grade Beach Day at Crescent Beach State Park
Wednesday, June 15th- Last day of school. This will be a half-day for students.
PLEASE NOTE: Dismissal begins at 11:45.
Susan Lobel, Rowe School Principal