Kindergarten Welcome

Kindergarten registration begins on Wednesday, March 1, 2023. To be eligible, students must be five years old by October 15, 2023. 

Please click on the online registration portal to start the registration process. This form will ask for general information about your family and your child to begin the pre-registration process. Once you have completed this pre-registration form, you will receive an email explaining how to complete the required online registration forms. We will also be in touch with a link to sign up for a Kindergarten screening appointment on either May 2 or May 4, 2023.   

If your child has worked with CDS, has a current 504 or IEP, or participates in Speech, OT, or PT, please let us know so that we can best support your child’s transition to kindergarten.

You can find answers to Frequently Asked Questions on the Rowe school website.

If you have any registration questions about Kindergarten, please contact Rowe School at 207-846-3771 or Amanda Murray by email at Any programming questions should be directed to Susan Lobel, Rowe School Principal, at