February 3, 2020
February 3, 2020
Dear Rowe families,
Our school has been a busy place since returning from the holiday break! First graders have been hard at work writing persuasive letters...

January 31, 2020
February's Harvest of the Month is Maine Root Vegetables and we've got rutabaga from Snell's Family Farm in Buxton. For fun facts and recipes using Root Vegetables click thi...

January 2, 2020
January 2, 2020
Dear Rowe families,
Happy 2020 to all! We hope everyone enjoyed the holiday break and found some extra time to relax and have fun. The fresh snow will be gre...

December 20, 2019
January's Harvest of the Month is Maine Potatoes and we've got Norwis potatoes from Green Thumb Farms in Fryeburg. For fun facts and recipes using Maine Potatoes cl...

December 3, 2019
December 3, 2019
We had a wonderful turn out for parent - teacher conferences in late October and November. Thank you all for your continued interest and support! I hope you al...

November 26, 2019
December's Harvest of the Month is Winter Squash and we've got butternut squash from Spears Farm in Waldoboro. For a printer friendly version of this menu click this link...

November 4, 2019
November 4, 2019
Dear Rowe Families,
The first six weeks of school have passed swiftly by and it has been nice seeing many of you here to volunteer and to attend parent-teac...

November 1, 2019
November's Harvest of the Month is Brassicas and we've got kohlrabi and green kale from Bumbleroot Organic Farm in Windham. We love supporting our local farms! For ...

October 3, 2019
October 3, 2019
Dear Rowe Families,
It was wonderful to see so many of you at Open House on September 26th. For those of you who were unable to attend, do not hesitate to re...

September 25, 2019
Did you know that October is National Farm to School month? Our harvest of the month is Apples from Ricker Hill Orchards in Turner, Maine. Varieties include Gala, Honey Crisp, C...

September 10, 2019
September 10, 2019
Dear Rowe Families,
We are off to a wonderful start! It has been great to see the kindergarten students settle in so quickly. Thank you for your help wit...

August 30, 2019
Greetings! Each month we will post our colorful calendar view menu to school news. A printer friendly PDF of the menu can be found HERE . You can also access the daily menu ...

August 28, 2019
August 22, 2019
Dear Parents,
We hope you have all been enjoying this wonderfully sunny summer and that your children are feeling excited to return to school! Summers a...

June 4, 2019
June 4, 2019
Dear Rowe Families,
It is hard to believe that the 2018-19 school year is quickly coming to a close! We had a busy month in May and are looking forward to more ...

May 29, 2019
June's Harvest of the Month is leaf greens! Keep your eyes out for our school garden grown micro greens. We will also feature lettuce from SpringWorks farm in Lisbon, ME.

May 6, 2019
May 6, 2019
Dear Rowe Families,
This week, we will be conducting kindergarten screening for the children entering Rowefor the fall of 2019. We are excited to welcome this ne...

May 2, 2019
May's Harvest of the Month is wild blueberries! Keep your eyes out for Miss Barb's blueberry crisp!

April 2, 2019
April 1, 2019
Dear Rowe Families,
We hope this letter finds you winding down from the winter season and gearing up for new activities and warmer weather for spring! We ...

March 29, 2019
April is going to be a very exciting month at Rowe. The first week of school is going to be Colors Week! Each day of the week we will be giving out samples of fruits and vegetabl...

March 7, 2019
March 5, 2019
Dear Rowe Families,
It is hard to believe that February has already flown by. We hope you all had a restful winter break and were able to enjoy some family tim...